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arc de triomphe 凱旋門。

A man tried to extinguish the “ eternal flame “ burning under the arc de triomphe by sitting on it 一位仁兄坐在凱旋門下的“永恒火焰”上,想要熄滅這把火焰。

arc furnace

Paris , famous for its museums , romantic cafes , ambitious leaders , and rococo style buildings , has been visited by millions of tourist each year . today , we will show you why people fall in love with paris by taking you to the world famous museum of louvre , arc de triomphe , champs elysees , place de la condorde , river seine , eiffel tower , notre dame cathedral , les invalides 參觀世界最大的博物館羅浮宮,宮內名畫雕塑琳瑯滿目,價值連城,午后市區游覽,沿途欣賞雄偉的凱旋門浪漫的香榭麗舍大道協和廣場秀麗的賽納河,游畢歌劇院艾菲爾鐵塔后,參觀著名的圣母院。

Continental or buffet breakfast daily . half day sightseeing : enjoy views of arc de triomphe , louvre , eiffel tower , champs elyses and notre dame cathedral on the ile de la cit 包巴黎市區游兩小時,含游覽車中文解說,坐車參觀巴黎主要景點:圣母院凱旋門塞納河巴黎鐵塔羅浮宮等等。

There are many beautiful scenes , like london ' s big ben , france ' s arc de triomphe and the twin towers of the world trade center that were bombed by osama laden 這里甚么也不缺,你可以在這里看到英國的大笨鐘、法國的凱旋門和過去的紐約世貿中心姊妹樓。

At the same time , while 69 percent of those polled could name paris ' s arc de triomphe , only 40 percent could identify london ' s marble arch 另外, 69的調查對象能說出巴黎凱旋門的名字,而只有40的人認得倫敦的大理石拱門。

At the same time , while 69 percent of those polled could name paris s arc de triomphe , only 40 percent could identify london s marble arch 另外, 69的調查對象能說出巴黎凱旋門的名字,而只有40的人認得倫敦的大理石拱門。

Our city tour also takes in all the other famous landmarks : the eiffel tower , place de la concord , champs elysees , arc de triomphe 乘車經凱旋門協和廣場歌劇院香榭麗舍大道艾菲爾鐵塔,每個景點都各具特色,引人入勝。

Messier moved vivendi ' s paris hq to plush new offices overlooking the arc de triomphe , champs elysees and eiffel tower 他本人把公司在巴黎的總部搬入了豪華的新寫字樓,俯瞰凱旋門、香榭麗舍大街和艾菲爾鐵塔。

A man tried to extinguish the “ eternal flame “ burning under the arc de triomphe by sitting on it 一位仁兄坐在凱旋門下的“永恒火焰”上,想要熄滅這把火焰。

Avenues radiate from the arc de triomphe in paris 在巴黎,街道以凱旋門為中心向四方伸展。